Probability and Statistics Syllabus

Miami Senior High School                                                                                    website:              

Course Title:  Probabilitiy and Statistics                                                             e-mail:                            

Course Number:  121030001                                                                                305-649-9800 X 2281

Instructor:  Ms. Maylen Alfonso                                                            


Goal:  The purpose of this course is to enable students to develop and apply knowledge of statistics and probability to design experiments, collect and analyze data, and reach appropriate inferences and conclusions.


Course Topics:

1st Nine Weeks:              The Nature of Probability and Statistics

  Frequency Distributions and Graphs

  Data Description

  Probability and Counting Rules

  Discrete Probability Distributions


2nd Nine Weeks:             The Normal Distribution

  Confidence Intervals and Sample Size

  Hypothesis Testing


3rd Nine Weeks:             Testing the Difference Between Two Means, Variances and Proportions

  Correlation and Regression


4th Nine Weeks:             Other Chi-Square Tests

  Analysis of Variance

  Sampling and Simulation


Texts and Materials (Students are required to bring materials to class every day):

?         Allan G Bluman’s  Elementary Statistics:  A Step by Step Approach, 2004

?         Notebook (3-ring binder), Paper, Graph Paper, Ruler, Pencils, Eraser

?         Scientific or Graphing Calculator


Other Resources:  As an extra help and review, the students have free access to the following web site:


Attendance:  Students cannot learn unless they are present, and good attendance usually results in success.  Students must request and make-up all missed work during the week after their excused absence (excluding homework which will be due the class session after their absence).  Any student, who has accumulated ten or more unexcused absences (5 days since absences are doubled) for the entire school year, will receive a NC (no credit), if they are passing the class.  


Testing:  Chapter and other major tests will be announced and will count three grades each.  Quizzes may not be announced and count one grade each.  Together, special assignments, quizzes and tests, will make up 55% of the final grade.


IPODS:  The first ten minutes of class time will be dedicated to review questions and SAT style questions.  Student participation in this activity will make up 10% of their class grade.


Tutoring:  It is the responsibility of the student to seek extra help whenever necessary.  Tutoring will be offered after school, free of charge, Mondays and Thursdays, 2:20 to 3:20. Interim progress reports, failure notices and report cards are sent home periodically with the student to keep parents informed of their son/daughter’s progress.  Tentative progress report dates are Sept, Nov, Feb, and Apr.  Tentative report card dates are Oct, Jan, Mar, and June. Parents can also check their son/daughter’s progress and attendance through the parent portal at .


Grades:  Tests and quizzes are 55%, homework and class work are 20%, projects and activities are 15% and IPODS are 10% of the final grade.  Letter grades will be assigned as follows:


Interim progress reports, failure notices and report cards are sent home periodically with the student to keep parents informed of their son/daughter’s progress.  Tentative progress report dates are Sept, Nov, Feb, and Apr.  Tentative report card dates are Oct, Jan, Mar, and June.  Parents can also check their son/daughter’s progress and attendance through the parent portal at 



1.        Be in your assigned seat and working on your IPOD’s.

2.        Bring all books and materials to class.

3.        No personal grooming during class.

4.        No eating or drinking in the classroom.  (You will be asked to put the food or drink in the trashcan.)

5.        Do not use your cell phones or other electronic devices in class.  (They will be confiscated if seen.)

6.        Respect others:  No cursing or teasing.  Keep hands, feet, and objects to yourself.

7.        Stay in your seat unless you have permission to do otherwise.



First Offense:  Warning                     Second Offense:  Parent Contact                      Third Offense:  SCSI and/or referral

 Please be aware that the teacher will confiscate grooming materials, cell phones, CD players, headsets and any other object that is interfering with the learning environment on the first offense.  The object will only be returned to the parent.  On the second offence, the device will not be returned until the end of the school year. 

Classroom Procedures 

1.  Notes:  Students must keep a binder with 3 tabs for Notes, Assignments, and IPODS.  The notes should be dated and kept in order.  It is imperative that students who have been absent copy from a responsible classmate the notes that they have missed. 


2.   Homework and Assignments:  Homework is due at the beginning of each period.  I will not accept any late assignments.  If you are absent, you are responsible for having the assignment due.  You can get the assignment from a friend.  If you are absent for one class period, both homeworks will be due on your return: the homework due on the day of the absence and the homework due on the day back.  If you are absent for more than one class, I will accommodate the due dates.  A correct heading is required on every assignment in the upper right-hand corner, as follows:           



Section in book, page number, assigned problems


3.  Calculators:  Graphing calculators will be provided in class for class activities.  Many homework assignments will require tedious calculations, therefore, a scientific calculator is required. 


4.  Hall passes:  Every nine weeks you will receive two restroom passes. Do not ask for a pass during the first ten minutes of class, the last ten minutes of class, nor during a lecture unless it is an extreme emergency.  Please, use your passes wisely.  If you must use the restroom often due to medical reasons, bring a doctors’ note and I will accommodate you.  Passes not used will be rolled over to the next nine week period.  In case of an extreme emergency, if you have already used up all your restroom passes for the nine week period, you may go to the restroom in exchange for a 15 minute after school detention.  If the detention is not served, you will lose your restroom passes for the remainder of the school year.


5.  Requesting make-up work:  If you have been absent, it is your responsibility to get the make-up work.


6.  Leaving the classroom:  You must remain in your assigned seat throughout the entire class.  When the bell rings I will dismiss you.  You may not stand by the door to wait for the bell

  What we have to learn to do,
we learn by doing.

---Aristotle (B.C. 384-322)